Thursday, February 12, 2009

photography assignment

Before showing the pictures, let me tell you if i won top 30 on this coming Saturday, PLEASE CLAP FOR ME WEI no matter you’re from what house.

Rate ♥♥♥♥♥

Give me a DSLR,

 i will give you the best shot.

IMG_1033 IMG_0283  IMG_1055 IMG_1050IMG_1056


Lee Young, 李阳 said...

yo dude, your photos are not bad.

The first pic is quite impressive. You must be at least using a prosumer which has manual controls.

Anyway, check out my newly opened Flickr photostream:


chunyeen said...

oh haha

besides the first 2 pictures, others took last minute to pass up assignment one >.< heh

nah using my dad's powershot SX110IS, quite cheap but not bad. at least have a manual mode there

ah sure i will look at it =D